Hearts' Choir: Valentin Ranger

29 November 2024 - 24 January 2025

Through an exchange between physical interfaces (sketches, drawings, paintings, sculptures) and technological ones (3D modeling), Ranger has developed a vast visual vocabulary issued from a constantly evolving library of forms, through a performative act. This process has allowed for the construction of a mutating repertoire.


A recent development finds concepts of time as central to the artist’s practice: a quest to synchronize multiple clocks, those of the physical world and those of the digital world. The meeting of two clocks, of two different bodies, becomes a space for amorous dialogue.


Each element from his graphic lexicon — screws, gears, hands, motors — now contributes to defining the temporality of bodies in this hybrid space, where the work of the hand, of physical experience, meets the memory of the technological world.


In the artist’s words: I stretch multiple temporalities between a branching 3D world and moments where I rework elements from this world by painting them.


Over time, these accumulations of hundreds of forms and ornaments have structured themselves into a hybrid architecture: a path toward a sought-after time, a time for tenderness, a space for love.


As such, the current solo presentation tells the story of a meeting. A moment of synchronization, calm, observation, and communication between two worlds: the time of the real and that of the digital. The real and the imaginary. The time of a pause, that of a shared dream.


It shapes an ornamental space where digital and physical hearts beat together.

An architecture that, in its multiplicity, seeks unison: a moment where several hearts meet, communicate, and harmonize in shared time.