

Take My True Love by the Hand


Follow me to the edge 


Of where we arrived




In this life


Of where you have now ascended


Dear Sun


Take My True Love by the Hand


Tell me we will meet again



By Anton Funck 


In loving memory of Emil



Dear Sun, We Will Meet Again is Anton Funck’s debut solo exhibition in Sweden. It features a large series of watercolor paintings on handmade paper, highlighting Funck’s devotional and meditative approach to the medium and his tactile experimentation with material.


David Whyte’s poem, Horizons, guided the inception of this show, centred around the concepts of inner and outer horizons, seen as a compass for life stages. Notions of melancholia, longing and cosmic play on horizons developed during the creative process, adding further layers of meaning to the metaphor of the horizon.


Carrying throughout the exhibition is the recurring motif of the orb. Visible across a majority of the works, in different incarnations, the orb carries an array of meanings: a sun, a moon, a cycle, a journey, a meditation, a beginning, and an end.